Wireshark最初由Gerald Combs开发。目前由Wireshark team进行进一步开发和维护。Wireshark team是一个由修补bug提高Wireshark功能的独立成员组成的松散组织。
有大量的成员为Wireshark提供协议分析。同时我们也希望这些活动能持续机芯。通过查看Wireshark帮助菜单下的About,你可以找到为Wireshark提供代码的人员名单,或者你也可以通过Wireshark 网站的authors页面找到。
Wireshark 是开源软件项目,发布遵循GNU General Public Licence (GPL协议),所有源代码可以在GPL框架下免费使用。欢迎您修改Wireshark以便适合您的需要,如果您可以提供您的改进给Wireshark team ,我们将不胜感激。
为Wireshark Team 提供您的改进建议,有以下益处:
如果其他人发现您提供的改进十分有用会肯定它们的价值,您将会得知你曾像Wireshark team 一样帮助过他人
The developers of Wireshark might improve your changes even more, as there's always room for improvement. Or they may implement some advanced things on top of your code, which can be useful for yourself too.
The maintainers and developers of Wireshark will maintain your code as well, fixing it when API changes or other changes are made, and generally keeping it in tune with what is happening with Wireshark. So if Wireshark is updated (which is done often), you can get a new Wireshark version from the website and your changes will already be included without any effort for you.
Wireshar 源代码和二进制kits (二进制工具包? )可以根据自己的平台对应下载,网站是:http://www.wireshark.org/download.html.