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leader - Apache HTTP服务器
Apache主站 > HTTP服务器 > 文档 > 2.0版本 > 模块索引

Apache MPM leader

说明:An experimental variant of the standard worker MPM



This MPM is experimental, so it may or may not work as expected.

This is an experimental variant of the standard worker MPM. It uses a Leader/Followers design pattern to coordinate work among threads. For more info, see http://deuce.doc.wustl.edu/doc/pspdfs/lf.pdf.

To use the leader MPM, add --with-mpm=leader to the configure script's arguments when building the httpd.

This MPM depends on APR's atomic compare-and-swap operations for thread synchronization. If you are compiling for an x86 target and you don't need to support 386s, or you are compiling for a SPARC and you don't need to run on pre-UltraSPARC chips, add --enable-nonportable-atomics=yes to the configure script's arguments. This will cause APR to implement atomic operations using efficient opcodes not available in older CPUs.



项目维护者: kajaa

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