Core modules (M)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Math::BigFloat - Arbitrary size floating point math package
- Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer math package
- Math::BigInt::Calc - Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
- Math::BigInt::CalcEmu - Emulate low-level math with BigInt code
- Math::BigRat - arbitrarily big rational numbers
- Math::Complex - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
- Math::Trig - trigonometric functions
- Memoize - Make functions faster by trading space for time
- Memoize::AnyDBM_File - glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::Expire - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized values
- Memoize::ExpireFile - test for Memoize expiration semantics
- Memoize::ExpireTest - test for Memoize expiration semantics
- Memoize::NDBM_File - glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::SDBM_File - glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::Storable - store Memoized data in Storable database
- MIME::Base64 - Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
- MIME::QuotedPrint - Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings