• migrate4j


    migrate4j is a database migration tool. Suppose you determine that you need a new database table for your project. If you develop alone, you could write an SQL script that adds a table and manually apply this to your development system. But if you work with other developers, or need to keep a test system in synch with your development system, this become tedious and error prone.

    Migration tools make it possible to add your new table (or make any other schema changes) in an automated fashion, ensuring all your systems are always in synch. Migration tools also make it possible to quickly and easily roll back previous changes. Unlike typing commands into an interactive SQL window or storing SQL scripts, migration tools keep a detailed history of how your database schema evolved (just in case you need to go back to a previous version). Finally, migration tools minimize or eliminate the problem of having to use vendor specific syntax – you may never switch database products, but if you do, using a migration tool will make your life much easier.

    The initial intent of migrate4j was to make a Java version of Ruby's db:migrate. If you've used db:migrate, you probably fell in love with it's simple syntax, easy configuration and ability to roll changes up and back effortlessly. The intent (and the challenge) of migrate4j is to bring the power and simplicity of db:migrate to Java programmers, using familiar type safety and syntax. Along the way, we're adding additional functionality that makes migrate4j more than just another Ruby tool rewritten for Java – it is a Java project intended to make other Java projects even better.

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