• FDD Tools

    FDD Tools该项目提供一个开源、跨平台,支持特性驱动开发理论的工具箱。


    The FDD Tools project aims to produce an open source, cross-platform toolkit supporting the Feature Driven Development methodology.


    Having used FDD on several successful projects, we developed a simple tool to produce project tracking graphics to share with our management team and organization at large. This tool provides support for only a small part of the FDD methodology, however, we hope others may find it useful even in the current state. We also hope that we can continue to develop the tool; and, with the help of the community, produce something that effectively supports the need of organizations using FDD.

    We have benefited from open source, so we also want to contribute something back to the community.


    July 18, 2009 -- FDD Tools 2.0 is released. This release implements FDDI as the native file persistence format. Previous formats are obsoleted, but can continue be imported into FDD Tools from the File->Import... option. Since this is a major change for the tool, and provides a foundation for more changes in the future, we are branding this release 2.0.

    Much has changed in this release, so there may be some rough edges.

    Make sure to make backups of data before using the tool, and please file a bug report if you do encounter any issues.

    We are anticipating some additional updates to the tool in the near future. If there are any features you would like to see implemented, please send us an enhancement request.

    Source code is available in Mercurial. Code for this release is tagged RELEASE2.0.

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