• Rendezvous Groupware Suite

    Rendezvous Groupware Suite是一个基于Web的协同办公套件。包括:Webmail、Calendar、Tasks、Contacts、项目管理、文档管理、RSS阅读器、mobile access、OTA(Over-The-Air)SyncML同步,集成Outlook、WebDAV access和一个Ajax胖客户端。

    Regardless of what your accountants might say, your most valuable business assets aren’t contained in boxes in your warehouse or in data files on your server – they’re locked up in the heads of your staff. And if your people can’t easily share their talents, ideas, and experience with one another and team them up to create even more valuable assets, your profit potential is locked up, too.

    We’ve got the key, though – the Rendezvous Collaboration Suite.

    Because the Rendezvous Collaboration Suite knocks down barriers to communication, your organization stops being just a collection of talented individuals and becomes a single force to be reckoned with. With features ranging from collaborative email and calendaring to full-scale project and document management, the Rendezvous Collaboration Suite enhances teamwork and gives you the key to your most valuable assets – the minds of your people.

    CodeGlide Rendezvous Community Edition is the free, open-source version of our robust Enterprise Collaboration Suite.  Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3, the Community Edition allows customers to fully leverage all the advantages that go hand-in-hand with open source software:

    • No large upfront expenses, and no licenses to purchase. Costs are dramatically reduced, and return on investment is fast and significant.
    • Access to all underlying application source code to alter or modify the software in any way. Easily modify and extend CodeGlide Rendezvous in a virtually unlimited number of ways to satisfy specific or one-of-a-kind requirements.
    • Join a rapidly growing, thriving community of CodeGlide developers who are continuously enhancing our products with new features and functions.  Through this community, users can discuss ideas, trade tips, and share code modifications and extensions with their peers.


    CodeGlide Rendezvous Community Edition is ideal for companies that:

    • Have internal technical resources for self-support. 
    • Can rely on community forums, wikis, and other public groups for troubleshooting or questions. 
    • Can comply with the terms of the open source GNU GPL v3 license. 
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